
Expected Fuss or Uproar Over Mbah’s Appointments

From Udochukwu Ogbuago

The hullabaloo, complaints, criticisms and uproar on social media over Governor Peter Mbah’s appointment of some people are not unexpected or abnormal.

It is expected, especially in a state like Enugu, where many PDP candidates lost elections massively for the first time since 1999 and are struggling for relevance by all means.

There is no way Mbah will appoint people and there will be no misgivings and complaints. There will always be. This is simply because of the battle that characterised his election, which has made an average PDP politician or party stakeholder in Enugu have too much sense of entitlement and expectations from his government. This is common among those politicians who see politics as a major occupation, instead of selfless service to humanity.

While it is obvious that those behind the mischief and hullabaloo on social media over Mbah’s appointments are not PDP members, many of them are Labour Party’s social media urchins and PDP stakeholders, who worked for Bar. Chijioke Edeoga of Labour Party against Governor Mbah with the delusion that the former will win the governorship election.

The genuine and committed PDP stakeholders and members, who worked assiduously for PDP and Mbah’s victory at the polls are not complaining or grumbling and won’t complain, because they know that the appointments Mbah has made so far is too small to compare with what he will still give in the days ahead.

Again, none of the busybodies and meddlesome Interlopers who have been fussing on social media about the appointments have faulted or questioned the capacity and competence of the appointees and the legality of their appointments.

Mbah has not broken any law or contravened any tradition in his appointments so far. His appointees is a mix of new breed of core professionals and few past political office holders that have proven their mettle in service.

Mbah has a vision and mission in Enugu State. He is at liberty to choose those he tested, trusted and believed will help him drive tgem to fruition.

While appointments are important because Mbah cannot work alone, what should be of utmost importance and preoccupation of Enugu people and PDP stakeholders is how to support Mbah to deliver on his campaign manifesto and promises. This will help bring back or reinvent the fortune and dominance of PDP in the state.

One thing many who are agitating or hoping for appointments in Mbah’s administration should know is that not everybody will be appointed into his government and he may not be generous with appointments like successive governments in the state. A lot may change considering that one cannot do things the same way and expect a different result.

Let no one forget that Mbah made it clear from inception that there will be disruptive innovation and it will no longer be business as usual.

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